

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Best Way To Pay Your Bills!

The best way to pay your bills! Tend to pay your bills in any old order? That is fine if you can settle all the balances. But should budget be extra stretched one month, the practice could leave you unable to pay a critical bill. To play safe, adopt this money smart habit. "Pay for essential living expenses like housing and utilities first, then loan payments, finally credit cards".

Priorities on paying bills, pay the essential needs first like our housing or monthly mortgage so that we can't lose our place to live and utilities like our electricity, water bill because we can't live without this. Then after that you can pay your loan payments and credit card.


MaryAnneVelasco said...

my boyfriend and I always pay our bills on time. we don't want to leave any bill behind. it isn't a smart idea for us.

anyway, sure, we can exchange links.

you can exlinks with both of my blogs:

please add my blogs first and then let me know after so i can add your blogs, too.

have a great day!

Just Dream said...

Hope i can do that, pay all credit card bill for anything I spent for one month.

Rose Jane said...

Discipline in over spending should be practice in order to avoid unnecessary unpaid bills...

i hope you could visit my site and leave some comments...Good day!

Rose Jane said...

Discipline in over spending should be practice in order to avoid unnecessary unpaid bills...

i hope you could visit my site and leave some comments...Good day!