

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Have A Great Thanksgiving !!!

Have A Great Thanksgiving Everyone! Hello :-) just wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you have a great one. Enjoy the time with your friends and families. I am grateful for all the blessings I received each day and through out the year. Have a good time and enjoy the turkey, pumpkin pie and stuffing and etc. (yummy,yummy) ...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Positive Imaging Has Positive Outcome

Positive imaging has positive outcome. I read a book called Positive Imaging and one of the phrases in the book that I want to share here in my blog, hope it could help to others and remind myself also. "If you firmly image that you are a person destined to success, success is what you ultimately will have. If you are convinced that you will fail, failure will stalk you no matter where you go. If you think scarcity, it will befall you. If you image...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

20 Ways To Have An Energetic Day

20 Ways To Have An Energetic Day* Stay hydrated. Fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration. Drink at least 8-ounce glasses of water a day.  * Skip a sugary snacks and caffeine. Sugar will give you a quick pick-me-up as will the caffeine but both will cause you to crash well before lunch.  * Space out your meals. Mid afternoon energy slumps are often caused by not eating enough earlier in the day. Don't save up your calories for your evening meal. By spreading calories throughout the day, you'll have energy to work and work out.  *...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Learn The Simplest Way To Make Money Online - Google Adsense

Learn the simplest way to make money online is by using Google Adsense. There are lot of website and companies that you can choose online to make money but there easiest way to make money online, the Google Adsense. To readers , visitors, blogger or future blogger that don't have Google Adsense yet or want to increase your income in your Google Adsense. I have Google Adsense Tutorial here that will help you to learn and how to get started if you don't have Google Adsense yet. It is free, you can read or view so that you can get an idea how to...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Why President Obama's Elected ?

Why President Obama's elected? In my own opinion, reading and hearing the news, I come to an idea that he has these quality in his life that is why he got elected. First - Strong Determination - he is determined Second - Education that qualify him to run for the President because of education he has the knowledge.Third - Great vision, he has a goal that he want to achieved in his life. Fourth - Positive Attitude. Fifth - Faith/Belief himself and for the people. Sixth - Smart and Good Speaker. Seventh - Public Relation...

Reason Why I Name My BLog Web Fortune Success

The reason why I name my blog Web Fortune Success is, since I have my blog  (Life is Wonderful) I often thinking what can I do to make my blog nice and things to write and then my brain doesn't stop thinking or doesn't shut-off . I decided that I would make a new blog. I'm thinking what is name I would used to my new blog that would attract the attention to the people and readers. Think again, then it came across my mind the words Web Fortune for the reason that we can make a FORTUNE through the Web or internet....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tips For Staying Young

Tips For Staying Young  * Drink plenty of water.* Eat mostly vegetables and fish and lots of bananas. * Exercise* Do what you love. "That's keep you excited" * Keep trying new things * Take off your shoes whenever possible. "God made the human foot so could go barefoot." * Think young."Hang out with people half of your age.No, make that one third of your age'. * Think yellow. "I believe in that color - it's happy, engaging, inspirational and very brig...